Picking the Right Partner for A Co-Branded Product: An Interview With Ali Kween from Kween Foods

By Sally Rogers
Oct. 23, 2019

We love a good co-branded product, so when Kween and Meet The Source got together for two exclusive flavors of bliss balls, we knew we needed to get the deets! Read on for insights from Ali Bonar, the founder of Kween.



You are best known for your granola butter. What values and certifications, labels, or other attributes does your brand have that you’ve built your business around and are most proud of?

While our product is what gets people hooked, they stay for the inclusive and supportive community of “Kweens” that we’ve built. We are passionate about showing people that nourishing your body and living your best life don’t have to be mutually exclusive!


How important are those things when you choose brands to partner with?

Extremely important. We love partnering with brands who share similar values: transparency, passion and inclusivity.


How did your co-branded product with Meet The Source come to be?

I reached out to Roxanne after seeing her product EVERYWHERE. I finally tried a bliss ball at a local cafe, and was hooked. I sent her a cold email and thankfully, she was interested in collaborating! :)


Co-branding a product can feel really scary to some brands. You are really putting yourself out there! What advice can you give other brands on taking that leap?

It’s not scary if you find the right partner and feel confident in the brand alignment. Honestly — it’s almost like dating. Both brands should feel like they’re getting the better end of the deal, and it should feel “right” in your gut. Not just because it looks good on paper!


What were your top learnings from working on a co-branded product?

Communication is everything (also like dating, ha!) Both sides need to be receptive to each other’s wants and needs. And building hype around launch is everything!



Anything in the pipeline you are looking for a partner on that our members might be able to help with? (This could even be a giveaway or blog post, definitely does not have to be another product!)

We have been loving product collaborations, so that’s really where I’d love help with! Giveaways are always fun, too :)


What wellness, food, or CPG trend are you most into right now? And what can you just not seem to get into?

Most into: making wellness accessible to more socioeconomic groups. Not into: keto and CBD.


Share with us your:

    1. Fave household cleaning brand: Branch Basics!
    2. Fave beauty brand: Cocokind
    3. Fave clothing brand: Madewell
    4. Fave wellness activity: Walking