Parsnip IRL: Fancy Food Show Edition

By Joya Anthony
Jan. 30, 2019

Let’s be honest. San Francisco’s Winter Fancy Food Show is basically the Super Bowl of the food and beverage world. Speaking of this weekend’s Super Bowl, the snacks and drinks are pretty much our favorite part of the game next to getting together with our friends like all of you!

Thanks to many of you who came out to our Fancy Food Show happy hour at nearby Thirsty Bear Brewery. We know your schedules can fill up at shows like these, so we appreciate you making the time to meet up with us in real life! Some of our guests included CozyCo Social, Edwina Clark, Rubbish and Rodeo CPG, and One for Neptune. We got to sip some of Thirsty Bear’s organic brews along with snacks from Chosen Foods, Yin & Yang Energy, and Burlap and Barrel.


Elena Guberman, Rubbish & Nick Mendoza, One For Neptune


Edwina Clark, Registered Dietician & Jess Gregg, Cozy Co Social

Of course we spent a lot of time on the Fancy Food Show floor itself and got to see Just Jan’s, Siren Snacks, and Seven Sundays, just to name a few of our users. For those of you at the show, we hope you got to make some meaningful connections but if there was someone you missed speaking to, give us a shout because we’d love to help!


Next week, we’ll be at B-Line Urban Delivery in Portland if you can join us. RSVP here and use code ParsnipBeta to get your free ticket. Feel free to bring products to share, and come out to meet more of the Portland community.

If you weren’t at the show or can’t be in Portland, don’t despair. Check out our upcoming events here! We can’t wait to see you soon!